Professional Development.


You can follow our LinkedIn page to be connected to our network. When you follow a company on LinkedIn, you can receive updates on new developments, business opportunities, and even job opportunities. Company profiles display recent hires, related companies, recent promotions, and top locations for employees.

Feel free to add yourself as an employee or volunteer for the organization on your own page. LinkedIn is a great way to market yourself as a good employee/worker and share experiences you have had. Also, add this information to your resume as well!

Some ideas as things to list as skills you have gained or work you accomplished:

  • “Partnered with a socioeconomically disadvantaged and underrepresented population of students to deliver high-level educational programs.

  • Designed a STEM-based curriculum plan using a Scope and Sequence teaching pedagogy for girls aged 8-12.

  • Delivered engineering, computer science, biology, and chemistry lessons to a group of 10- 15 girls over 40 hours.

  • Developed communication and leadership skills as I encouraged young students to apply STEM to real-world experiences and inspired them to see themselves as future STEM leaders.”

Also, stay tuned on our main Employees and Volunteers page to stay updated about upcoming events and networking/mentorship options.