Inspire your student to think more, think bigger, and think differently by enrolling them in a Girls Code the World Program Session.
We have no openings for programs currently. Subscribe to our monthly newsletter to be notified when we launch our 2025 Programs or other opportunities throughout the school year.
Sign Up for a Program
One of our goals as an organization is to provide accessible education programs to all. In the spirit of this mission, we offer ways for families to get a subsidized programming cost. First of all, families that qualify for SNAP, Medicaid, and/or the National Free Lunch Program (NFLP) are encouraged to fill out our Subsidized Program Application to get a discount code. Secondly, teachers in the area can nominate outstanding students for our program to be considered for one of our scholarships. We encourage teachers to recommend students who from an underrepresented community or marginalized identity. Students in the Philadelphia School District will be automatically approved for a scholarship to our programs if you apply through the Subsidized Program Application.
If you are interested in hearing about upcoming programming and when we launch our sign ups, please us know by subscribing to our newsletter!