Entrepreneur Assistance Clinic Coverage
Girls Code the World was featured in an article written by Miranda Buckheit, a Communications Strategist in the Harold & Inge Marcus Department of Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering at Penn State University.
This article features some of the people who have partnered with Girls Code the World to establish them as a reputable and official nonpforit organization.
“[T]he Penn State Law Entrepreneur Assistance Clinic (EAC) has expanded its services so small businesses, entrepreneurs, startups and nonprofit organizations can receive assistance from enthusiastic law students at no cost.”
Penn State Law Clinic expands scope of services amid pandemic
Mina Shokoufandeh and Sydney Gibbard plan to continue working with the Entrepreneur Assistance Clinic in State College, PA to develop bylaws for the organization and develop the Board of Directors.
The clinic is supervised by Tom Sharbaugh, a professor of practice at Penn State Law. Gibbard and Shokoufandeh worked closely with interns at the law clinic, Agneta Hendershot and Britani Petersen, who are Penn State Law students. The interns worked closely with Gibbard and Shokoufandeh to help their goals become a reality by making sure to identify the team’s previous knowledge, communicate with transparency, and provide any background information neccessary.
As Gibbard states in the article, “The help the EAC has provided us has been invaluable so far,” Gibbard said. “It is incredibly difficult for startups and young people to develop businesses, especially because consulting and legal services can be so expensive or inaccessible.”